We Create Solutions in the Area of Health
IDS - Investigação Desenvolvimento Saúde, Lda., is a company dedicated to researching, creating and developing innovative products and services related to the areas of health, hygiene and wellness. These solutions are produced and applied in a sustainable way, with environmental and social responsibility, across the world.
Our mission is to deliver solutions that ensure the safety of public and private spaces. As well as presenting unique solutions, even for the most demanding moments, our aim is to cater for and improve the health and wellness of the population.
Because innovations are only possible when we think about and try to imagine the future. We do this by always trying to find the best and most comprehensive solutions for people.
Because the solutions to problems can only be found through knowledge and expertise.
Because health is the most precious thing. Therefore, IDS is committed to its preservation. It does so by studying, researching, experimenting and developing real solutions that can be used by everyone.
Because having good ideas is not enough. It is necessary to study and experiment with them before defining the best solutions, so that they can be implemented, developed and applied to health.
Emídio Almeida
CEO / Founder
Emídio Almeida, founder and CEO of Investigação Desenvolvimento Saúde, Lda. (IDS). A veterinarian and businessman with many years of experience, he has dedicated a significant part of his life to research, aiming to create and develop solutions for health issues. This is the IDS mission, because as Mr. Almeida likes to point out, "our health is the most precious thing we have and we must all endeavour to preserve it".
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IDS - Investigação
Saúde, Unipessoal. Lda
Rua do Moderno, Lote 1,
Casais do Quintão
2005-021 Várzea, Santarém
Tel. (+351) 243 247 751
Call to national fixed network
Email. ids@ids-indesa.com